Benfleet Horticultural Society

Show Entry Form

You can use this page to enter into the 2025 Spring show.

Just use the box entitled "No. of entries" to tell us how many entries you wish to make in each class. You only need to put a number against any class you wish to enter — leave the others blank. Once that's done please enter your name, email address and telephone number at the bottom of the form.

There are some rules & guides which you may wish to look at to make sure your entry(s) will be accepted. They're all .pdf documents which will open in new pages. Along with the Show regulations, we have 'A guide for exhibitors' and recipes for 2025. Also available - awards to be presented at the Show. You can download any of these if you wish.

Once you've completed the entry form, click/tap the button entitled "Send Show entry form" to send your entry to the Show Secretary.

You can use the quick links below to take you to your desired category, or just scroll down the page.


Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
1A display of anything grown by the exhibitor (must fill space) 
2A display of Narcissi - cut or in a container (must fill space) 

Please note - both items are NOT judged as Floral Art. Space allowed 30"


Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
3Narcissi - trumpetDiv. 1
4Narcissi - large cuppedDiv. 2
5Narcissi - small cuppedDiv. 3
6Narcissi - double, one bloom per stemDiv. 4
7Narcissi - double, being multi-headedDiv. 4
8Narcissi - any other kind inDivs. 5 or 6
9Narcissi - any other kind inDivs. 7 or 8
10Narcissi - any other kind inDivs. 9 or 10
11Narcissi - any other kind inDivs. 11 or 12
14Any other kind of flowering Bulb, Corm or Tuber 

Please note that in the above classes, bowls should not have a diameter greater than 14" or if a trough type, should not exceed 8" x 24"


Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
16Narcissi - trumpet all white3 blooms - Div. 1
17Narcissi - trumpet all white1 bloom - Div. 1
18Narcissi - large cupped all white3 blooms - Div. 2
19Narcissi - large cupped all white1 bloom - Div. 2
20Narcissi - any variety5 stems
21Narcissi - trumpet5 blooms - Div. 1
22Narcissi - trumpet3 blooms - Div. 1
23Narcissi - trumpet1 bloom - Div. 1
24Narcissi - large cupped5 blooms - Div. 2
25Narcissi - large cupped3 blooms - Div. 2
26Narcissi - large cupped1 bloom - Div. 2
27Narcissi - small cupped5 blooms - Div. 3
28Narcissi - small cupped3 blooms - Div. 3
29Narcissi - small cupped1 bloom - Div. 3
30Narcissi - double (more than 1 flower on a stem)3 stems - Div. 4
31Narcissi - double (more than 1 flower on a stem)1 stem - Div. 4
32Narcissi - double (1 flower to a stem)3 blooms - Div. 4
33Narcissi - double (1 flower to a stem)1 bloom - Div. 4
34Narcissi - triandrus3 stems - Div. 5
35Narcissi - triandrus1 Stem - Div. 5
36Narcissi - cyclamineus3 stems - Div. 6
37Narcissi - cyclamineus1 bloom - Div. 6
38Narcissi - jonquilla3 stems - Div. 7
39Narcissi - jonquilla1 stem - Div. 7
40Narcissi - tazetta3 stems - Div. 8
41Narcissi - tazetta1 stem - Div. 8
42Narcissi - poeticus cultivars3 blooms - Div. 9
43Narcissi - poeticus cultivars1 bloom - Div. 9
44Narcissi - bulbocodium cultivars3 blooms - Div. 10
45Narcissi - bulbocodium cultivars1 bloom - Div. 10
46Narcissi - split corona3 blooms - Div 11a/11b
47Narcissi - split corona1 stem - Div 11a or 11b
48Narcissi - miscellaneous type1 bloom/stem - Div. 12
49Narcissi - 1 trumpet, 1 large cup, 1 small cupIn one vase
50Narcissi - miniature/rockery types3 stems
51Narcissi6 vases - 1 stem per vase from different divisions - no more than 2 from 1 division
52Tulips - one variety3 blooms
53Tulips1 bloom
54Tulips - mixed varieties5 blooms
55Tulips - mixed varieties3 blooms
56Hyacinths3 blooms
57Hyacinths1 bloom
58Iris - one or more varieties3 blooms
59Polyanthus/Primrose6 stems in container provided
60Pansies/Violas6 stems in container provided
61Auriculas1 stem in any container
62Muscari5 stems
63Wallflowers3 stems
64Carnations1 bloom
65Crown Imperialis (Frittillaria)1 stem
66Any other flowers, one or more varieties3 stems
67Any other kind of Bulb, Corm or Tuber3 stems
68Flowering tree or shrub5 stems
69Hellebore3 stems, 1 or more varieties


Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
70Cacti or Succulent1 pot - one or more plants
71Bonsai1 specimen container
72Alpines1 pot or pan - maximum size 9" diameter
73Any foliage pot plant or plantsMaximum pot size 9" diameter
74Auricula1 plant per pot
75Streptocarpus1 plant per pot
76Orchid1 plant per pot
77Pot plant up to 5" diameterExcluding any from classes 65 - 71
78Pot plant over 5" diameterExcluding any from classes 65 - 71
79Hanging basket16" diameter maximum


A member can exhibit in the Novice classes if he/she has never won a prize in any previous Show of the Society

Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
80Narcissi - any variety3 blooms
81Narcissi - any variety1 bloom
82Any other flowers5 stems


Any kind of flowers arranged for decorative effect - NOT FLORAL ART. Self foliage may be used (natural means foliage from any plant, free from artificial treatment such as dyeing, etc.). Any container may be used.

Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
85A basket of Spring flowersNot to include shrubs
86A hand-tied posy of flowers in a jam jar 
87An arrangement of flowers in an unusual container 
88A bowl of floating Hellebore flowers 
89A bowl of floating flowers 


All dishes to be of one variety. Please see Regulations for Exhibitors (opens in new page)

Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
95Rhubarb - 3 sticks3" leaf blade to be left on
96Leeks - two 
97Any root vegetable 
98Any other vegetable except root vegetable 
99Any Winter stored vegetable or fruit 


Maximum of 3 entries per person, per class

Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
105A photograph - "Pub Sign(s)"Max. overall size A4
106A photograph - "Tree trunk(s)"Max. overall size A4
107A photograph - "Dog(s)"Max. overall size A4
108An exhibit of "soft" craftKnitting, patchwork, macrame, etc.
109An exhibit of "hard" craftMetalwork, pottery, etc.
110An exhibit of artworkPainting, drawing, pressed flowers, etc.
111An exhibit of jewellery 
112An Easter card 
113An exhibit of woodwork 


One entry per person per class
Recipes can be found here (opens in new page)

Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
115Simnel Cake 
116Jar of Raspberry jam 
117Jar of Tomato Chutney 
118Chocolate Roulade9" x 13" swiss roll tin
1194 cheese twists 
120Wholemeal LoafMax. size 8" round tin


Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
125Red - table dry 
126White - table dry 
127White - social sweet 
128Wine made from a kit 
129Liqueur (Sloe Gin, etc.) 


Recipes can be found here (opens in new page)

Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
135A1 Daffodil stem in own containerSchool Year 2 and under
135BEaster CardSchool Year 2 and under
136A1 Daffodil stem in own containerSchool Year 3-6
136BEaster CardSchool Year 3-6
137A1 Daffodil stem in own containerSchool Year 7-11
137BEaster CardSchool Year 7-11


To be arranged at the show unless otherwise stated

Class No.ClassFurther InformationNo. of entries
140An Arrangement"Spring Awakening"
141An Arrangement"Woodland Glade"

For both of the above, a space of 24" is allowed with fresh materials and accessories being allowed

First Name:*
Last Name:*
Email address:*
Telephone No.:*

* indicates a required field

Page last modified on 9th March 2025 @ 10:09am
